Experience True Custom Clothing!


Sean M. Horton
Head Designer / Owner.

Atelier Sean M. Horton was founded and created by Sean following studying textile art at the Kansas City Art Institute and earning his degree in Fashion Design at JCCC. He’s always had a deep-rooted interest in fashion as an expression of self and a way to be creative, something he credits to his mother. As he grew up, he witnessed her creating beautiful accessories and garments, and became intrigued. She gave him the encouragement and freedom to design his own outfits because he never wanted to wear the same things as other kids simply to fit in.  He believes that fashion is a visual introduction to who you are. Sean is driven to create every garment with the person who is wearing it in mind, instead of a one-design-fits-all approach.  Your clothing is the first thing people notice when you enter a room, and it is for this reason that fashion should be highly personalized, reflect your individuality, and make you feel great about yourself.

DeNira Dedeaux
CFO / Co-Owner

DeNira Dedeaux was raised in Delisle, Ms. There she was introduced to the principles of business from her father, who raised dogs, chickens, rabbits and horses on a small farm he inherited. In January 2019, SMH Atelier was formed and DeNira assumed the roles as Co-owner and Chief Financial Officer. DeNira holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with an emphasis in Accounting from DeVry University, Kansas City, Mo. Fascinated with the idea of entrepreneurship since a young girl she sought out mentors in that area. Through several mentors, knowledge and experiences was imparted into her. Partnering with Sean Horton to form SMH Atelier has become a new found passion. A passion for fashion. At SMH Atelier, we aim to deliver a space for individuals to find their best self through the experience of custom clothing creation.




Atelier Sean M Horton

The fight for racial equality has boosted Black-owned businesses, but it won’t fix their issues forever

HANNA ELLINGTON August 3, 2020


Sean Horton’s Atelier in Kansas City is Tailoring New Opportunities for Diverse Designers in the Midwest

The fight for racial equality has boosted Black-owned businesses, but it won’t fix their issues forever

Bark Media February 10, 2021



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